European bison is a symbol of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the whole Belarus. “Golden Bison Premium” vodka is performed in an original modern design. Accuracy of lines, classical taste of the product and modern technologies are the guarantee of its success. “Golden Bison Premium” is a premium vodka. The water for this beverage is extracted from an artesian well of the enterprise, passed several purification degrees. Alcohol “Lux” is prepared from perfect grain at the branches of the enterprise. They equipped with the most modern equipment and "know-how" technologies. And the main thing – work of specialists who turn all components into one making a quality product. It is possible to distinguish from the awards won by this product at the international tasting contests. Gold medal of the contest "United Vodka-2014", gold medal and diploma of the contest "Golden Taste", gold medal and diploma of the contest "Gold Wines and Drinks". Composition: rectified drinking water, rectified ethyl alcohol “Lux” from food raw materials, natural honey, iodized edible table salt.
Vodka Golden bizon premium /Soci 2014